Here are samples of writing and illustration that give an idea of what I can do without compromising any the companies that I’ve worked with. I have some copies of printed and online help that I can bring to meetings as further examples of past work.
- Desktop publishing how-to (PDF download). A cut-down version of an internal document I wrote to brief team members on how to use audio and presentation software to convert slides to training videos.
- Shrinking images for use on WordPress. Uploading images straight from a phone or digital camera can make you run out of space and cause huge images. Here are two ways to shrink them.
- Att krympa bilder for WordPress. The article above, translated to Swedish.
- Sponge cake. Instructions are instructions: The process of describing how to make a cake is not that different from the process of describing how to use software. Here are instructions for how to make my favourite sponge cake.
- Decision diagram. When you have a dishwasher, you don’t have to do the dishes by hand. That’s great. Yet sometimes using a dishwasher is less than straightforward. What if it is on, or full? This diagram shows what to do in every case.